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Base Foam Insert for Systainer3 XXL



Do you like to be organized? Systainers are a configurable system of products for organization, storage, transportation and packaging. 

The base foam is a soft, 25mm thick foam and is one of the many ways to customize your systainers to hold your tools and materials.  The inserts to the bottom of the Systainer3 XXL.  This foam insert works with Systainer3 XXL only, because it is so large!

Get your systainers now and be confident in your organization.  The systainer - not just a case, but a system! 

Tanos GmbH has been producing systainers for over 25 years.  Festool, Triton, Makita and many more use systainers as part of their products.  Systainer.Store is an independent authorized dealer of Tanos products in the USA.

New to the systainer system?  Check out our systainer 101.

Get all the details in the systainer additions and accessories data sheet.